Category: Uncategorized
Dr. Mike Studer: Moving Through Fear Podcast Transcript Notes
Fear is a top predictor of falling. Neuro Physical Therapist, Dr. Mike Studer discussed the importance of addressing fear of falling and how to help people overcome their fear. How to assess fear of falling: Falls Efficacy Scale Activity Specific Balance Scale If you don’t have time to administer a scale to assess their fear.…
How Societal Expectations Shape the Fitness Perceptions of Older Adults
Societal expectations influences the functional abilities and fitness level of older adults. Here’s how this shows up: Images of older adults lifting only small weightsMessage: older people are weak Images of younger people participating in sports like surfing, rock climbing, and snowboarding.Message: These sports are not suitable for older people Age siloed exercise classes with…
The OATS: Empowering Older Adults through Collaboration, Connection, and Creativity
Last year, at the Functional Aging Institute annual Summit, I had the pleasure of meeting Patricia Linderman from Fierce After 45, Holly H. Benson with Moving Strong, and we joined forces with my career coach, Lynn Jordan the creator of Joyful Boogie, to form a transformative mastermind group known as The OATS: Older Adult Training…